購物滿 HKD 300.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨 )

24" TAYLORMADE TP5 五層球 黃



TP5和TP5x 從發球區到果嶺區的出色表現,歸功於TaylorMade專利認證的獨家五層結構技術。Tri-Fast三層內芯和Dual-Spin外殼更能在關鍵時刻為球友們帶來絕佳擊球表現,成就極致遠距及完美的挖起桿擊球。為全方位滿足不同球友們的需求,TaylorMade同時提供2種球款選擇:TP5x高爾夫球較為堅硬,可以創造更高的起飛角度;而TP5高爾夫球的手感較為柔軟,能帶來中等的起飛角度。 Whether you want the softest 5-layer Tour ball with best-in-class greenside performance in traditional white, with the advanced visual technology of TP5 pix™, color enriched TP5 Yellow or the unmatched personalization of MySymbol, every TP5 is designed to be the NUMBER ONE BALL FOR YOU.

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